Advice & Analysis
SeaChange provides analysis and advice to nonprofits that are facing significant organizational or financial challenges. While some of this is delivered through formal engagements, more often it is through informal discussions or short projects that we do on a pro bono basis. In effect, we offer a “safe space” for nonprofits leaders – both staff and board – to call with questions or to brainstorm about their challenges. Over 15 years, SeaChange has worked with 1,000+ nonprofits facing a myriad of challenges so our perspective can be helpful to leaders who are often experiencing things for the first time.
Our formal engagements – usually no more than 2-3 per year – have fallen into the following general categories:
- Financial Modeling and Analysis
- Risk Management
- Restructuring
- Fund Design (for foundations/funders)
We do not respond to RFPs or actively compete for consulting engagements. We refer work to others when we believe – as is usually the case – that they are in a better position to help. We only accept engagements that complement our grant-making and lending with no potential for conflict.