Considerable resources exist to help nonprofits achieve their ambitions. We’ve tried to collect the ones that seem most relevant to the areas where SeaChange is active.
- SeaChange Insights
- Higher Education
- Our Reading List
Opinion: With another Trump presidency on the horizon, NYC needs to pay its damn bills
+ read moreCommentary: When a nonprofit should – or shouldn’t grow
+ read moreCommentary: Spotting what’s wrong with New York’s procurement system
+ read moreCommentary: New York City’s procurement system is not beyond fixing
+ read moreResponsible Nonprofit Leadership
+ read moreOpinion: Eric Adams has some misconceptions about nonprofits and why they haven’t come together
+ read moreOpinion: Taking the next step after New York City’s Intensive Mobile Treatment initiative
+ read moreServing Justice While Limiting the Collateral Damage
+ read moreWill NYC's nonprofit procurement process ever be functional?
+ read moreIn Every County, Across All Budget Sizes: White Overrepresentation in the New York City Area's Nonprofit Leadership
An Analysis of the Demographics of New York City's Nonprofit Leadership
+ read moreMOCJ: A Litmus Test for Procurement Reform
+ read more2022 State of the Baltimore Nonprofit Sector
Analysis by SeaChange Capital Partners & Presented by the T. Rowe Price Foundation
+ read moreEarly Childhood Education: How Much can Nonprofits Endure?
+ read moreA Primer on Nonprofit Mergers & Sustained Collaborations
+ read moreThe New York Pooled PRI Fund: An Opt-In Approach to Program Related Investment
+ read moreNot More, Better: Reframing the Problematic Dynamics of Government Funding
+ read moreThink Outside The Box: How Stakeholders Can Help Nonprofits Face The Challenge of COVID-19
+ read moreMain Street Lending 2.0: A Proposal To Support Our Most Vital Nonprofits
+ read moreToo Big Too Fail: NYC's Largest Human Service Nonprofits
+ read moreTough Times Call For Tough Action: A Decision Framework For Nonprofits
+ read moreNavigating the Storms: A Primer for Private College Trustees
+ read moreFord's Billion Dollar Bond
+ read moreThe Financial Health of the US Nonprofit Sector
+ read moreSeaChange Oliver Wyman Risk Report
+ read moreClosing the Gap: A True Cost Analysis of Early Childhood Education in New York City
+ read moreNYC Contract Delays: The Facts Vol. 2
+ read moreThe Financial Health of Philadelphia-Area Nonprofits
+ read moreUnderstanding Overhead: A Governance Challenge for Trustees
+ read moreNew York City Contract Delays: The Facts
+ read moreNonprofit M&A is No Oxymoron
+ read moreThe Financial Health of Nonprofits in Hawaii
+ read moreA National Imperative: Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America
+ read moreThe Greater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund: Collaboration Stories - Webinar Series
+ read moreSustained Collaboration Network (SCN)
+ read moreSCN Vetted Technical Service Providers List
+ read moreA Primer on Nonprofit Mergers & Sustained Collaborations
+ read moreNonprofit M&A is No Oxymoron
+ read moreCreating Fertile Soil for Nonprofit Mergers
+ read moreMaking Sense of Nonprofit Collaborations
+ read moreMergers as a Strategy for Success
+ read moreThe Foundation Center – Nonprofit Collaboration Resources Page
+ read moreMaximizing Philanthropic Impact by Funding Nonprofit Collaboration
+ read moreHow to Fund Nonprofit Mergers and Partnerships
+ read moreSuccess Factors in Nonprofit Mergers – Full Report
+ read moreSuccess Factors in Nonprofit Mergers – Synopsis
+ read moreWhat Do We Know About Nonprofit Mergers – Summary
+ read moreThe Collaborative Map (La Piana)
+ read moreThe Nonprofit Mergers Workbook
+ read moreA Framework for Collaboration by NESC
+ read moreMap of Funders Supporting Collaboration Across the United States
+ read moreBeyond Collaboration: Strategic Restructuring of Nonprofit Organizations
+ read moreGreater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund - Collaboration Stories Webinar Series: Education
+ read moreA Primer on Nonprofit Mergers & Sustained Collaborations
+ read moreSustained Collaboration Network
+ read moreNonprofit Repositioning Fund (Greater Philadelphia)
+ read moreBetter Together Fund (Dallas)
+ read moreMission Sustainability Initiative (Chicago)
+ read moreForbes Funds (Pittsburgh)
+ read moreLodestar Foundation (National)
+ read moreArizona Together for Impact Fund
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – The West Side Commons
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – The Bushwick Starr
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE)
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – Council of Peoples Organization (COPO)
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – PCI Media
+ read morePaying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – Team First
+ read moreBuild NYC Resource Corporation
+ read moreCandid | What is a PRI?
+ read moreConfluence Philanthropy
+ read moreCorporation for Supportive Housing
+ read moreDeutsche Bank Americas Foundation
+ read moreEnterprise Community Partners
+ read moreFund for the City of New York
+ read moreLow Income Investment Fund
+ read moreThe Impact
+ read moreLeviticus Fund
+ read moreLocal Initiative Support Corporation
+ read moreNonprofit Finance Fund
+ read morePartners for the Common Good
+ read morePrudential Social Investment Program
+ read moreThe New York City Investment Fund
+ read moreGlobal Impact Investing Network
+ read moreImpact Assets
+ read moreMission Investors Exchange
+ read moreMoney and Impact Directory
+ read moreNext Street
+ read moreSocial Finance
+ read moreThe Social Entrepreneurs’ Fund
+ read moreThird Sector Capital Partners
+ read moreBreaking Barriers for Mission and Returns
+ read moreAhead of the Curve
+ read moreBoardAssist
+ read moreBTQ Financial
+ read moreThe Bridgespan Group
+ read moreCRE (Community Resource Exchange)
+ read moreCause Effective
+ read moreFMA (Fiscal Management Associates)
+ read moreFractured Atlas (Arts & Culture)
+ read moreHBS Club of NY Community Partners
+ read moreInnovations Quantified
+ read moreKiwi Partners
+ read moreLa Piana Consulting
+ read moreLawyers Alliance for New York
+ read moreNESC (National Executive Service Corps)
+ read moreNFF (Nonprofit Finance Fund)
+ read moreNonprofit New York
+ read moreNYCON (New York Council of Nonprofits)
+ read moreRebecca Thomas & Associates
+ read moreSupport Center | Partnership In Philanthropy
+ read moreTaproot Foundation
+ read moreTriNet (HR, Benefits, Payroll & Compliance for Nonprofits)
+ read moreWebb Arts Management
+ read moreThe Whelan Group
+ read moreWellspring Consulting
+ read moreRisk Management For Nonprofits (SeaChange’s thinking on this topic)
+ read moreNew York City Contract Delays: The Facts
+ read moreEnterprise Risk Management: A Guide for Nonprofits
+ read moreThe Financial Risks of US Nonprofits and How to Manage Them
+ read moreThe Financial Health of the United States Nonprofit Sector
+ read moreA National Imperative: Joining Forces to Strengthen Human Services in America
+ read moreThe Financial Health of Philadelphia-Area Nonprofits
+ read moreUnderstanding Overhead: A Governance Challenge for Nonprofit Trustees
+ read moreNew York Nonprofits in the Aftermath of FEGS: A Call to Action (Self-reflection on the part of NYC Human Services Sector)
+ read moreCharity governance, finance and resilience: 15 questions trustees should ask
+ read moreAudit Committees and Audit Quality
+ read moreAhead of the Curve Report
+ read moreOpen Road Alliance (a funder that wants to put risk on the agenda)
+ read moreOpen Road Tool Kit
+ read moreRes-Care Form 10-K (Food for thought from the for-profit sector, particularly pages 10-44)
+ read moreAssessing Financial Vulnerability in Nonprofits (Very wonky but great data)
+ read moreThe Mission-Infused Nonprofit CFO: Aligning Mission and Finance for Success
+ read moreRisk Alternatives
+ read moreNonprofit Risk Management Center
+ read moreSSIR Call for Better Nonprofit Risk Management
+ read moreLoss Leaders: Growth and Financial Health
+ read moreA Nonprofit Wind-Down: The PPV Case Study
+ read moreWinding Down: A Risk Management Checklist
+ read moreNonprofit Dissolution: What to Do When Closing the Doors
+ read moreNonprofit Decline and Dissolution Project Report
+ read moreThe Zone of Insolvency
+ read moreA Guide for Nonprofit Organizations: Bankruptcy Issues
+ read moreNavigating a Nonprofit Through Bankruptcy
+ read moreA Nonprofit Wind-Down: Preserving the Legacy of Change the Equation
+ read moreNew Ideas Are Emerging to Help Strapped Colleges
+ read moreStrategic Mergers in Higher Education
+ read moreThe College Stress Test
+ read moreConsolidating Colleges and Merging Universities
+ read moreDemographics and the Demand for Higher Education
+ read moreCautionary Tales: Strategy Lessons from Struggling Colleges
+ read moreThe Growing Role of Mergers in Higher Ed
+ read moreStrength in Numbers
+ read moreMergers in Higher Education: A Proactive Strategy to a Better Future?
+ read moreAttorney General Observations on Mount Ida College Closure
+ read moreLetter to the Oberlin Community from the Trustees
+ read moreLesson Plan: An Agenda for Change in Higher Education
+ read moreStrategic Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy
+ read moreA Gift Observed: Reflections on Philanthropy and Civilization
+ read moreJust Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better
+ read moreGiving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count
+ read moreHandbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management
+ read moreThe Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook
+ read moreNonprofits and Government: Collaboration and Conflict
+ read moreThe Board Book: An Insider’s Guide for Directors and Trustees
+ read moreGovernance as Leadership: Reframing the Work of Nonprofit Boards
+ read morePhilanthropy in America
+ read moreThe Civically Engaged Reader
+ read moreThe Foundation: A Great American Secret
+ read moreManaging the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices
+ read moreHow The Other Sector Survives: Lessons in Non-Profit Management
+ read moreLeap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity
+ read moreEconomism and its Limits
+ read moreTrust in Numbers The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life
+ read moreHeuristics and Biases in Charity
+ read moreSympathy and callousness: The impact of deliberative thought on donations
+ read moreUnpacking the Impact in Impact Investing
+ read moreDown the Rabbit Hole? Impact Investing and Large Foundations
+ read moreVirtue is its own reward
+ read moreProgram Related Investments (Center for High Impact Philanthropy)
+ read moreWhen Does Equality Matter?
+ read more‘Giving Done Right’ by Phil Buchanan
+ read moreDoes Evidence Matter?
+ read moreCause, Effect and the Structure of the Social World
+ read moreSeaChange
in the News

November 22, 2024
Opinion: With another Trump presidency on the horizon, NYC needs to pay its damn bills

November 18, 2024
Commentary: New York City’s procurement system is not beyond fixing

August 07, 2024
Greater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund – Collaboration Stories Webinar Series: Arts & Culture

August 05, 2024
DSS Commissioner Park Unveils First Loan From NYC’s Shelter Fund For Nonprofit Shelter Development – Harlem World Magazine

August 05, 2024
Manhattan shelter project snags first award from mayor’s $15M loan fund – Crain’s New York Business

May 07, 2024
Greater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund – Collaboration Stories Webinar Series: Health & Human Services

April 25, 2024
Greater Philadelphia Nonprofit Repositioning Fund – Collaboration Stories Webinar Series: Education

March 07, 2024
Opinion: Eric Adams has some misconceptions about nonprofits and why they haven’t come together

January 11, 2024
The Child Victims Act: Serving Justice While Limiting the Collateral Damage

December 19, 2023
Paying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – The West Side Commons

December 06, 2023
Paying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – Asian Americans for Equality (AAFE)

December 06, 2023
Paying It Back & Paying It Forward: Highlight – Council of Peoples Organization (COPO)

December 12, 2022
Attorney General James Announces Plan to Preserve and Revitalize the American Irish Historical Society

October 11, 2022
Real Talk: How is the Adams Administration doing on procurement reform?

March 09, 2021
Not More, Better: Reframing the Problematic Dynamics of Government Funding

May 12, 2020
Main Street Lending 2.0: A Proposal to Support Our Most Vital Nonprofits

April 28, 2020
What Nonprofits Need to Do to Survive (An interview with Denver Frederick)

April 01, 2020
Tough Times Call for Tough Action: A Decision Framework for Nonprofit Leaders and Boards

January 29, 2020
The Will and The Way: Philanthropy’s Grantmaking Defaults Must Change

December 16, 2018
While nonprofits wait to get paid, de Blasio made sure his lawyers did